
Cast from natural specimen 1 : 1, in SOMSO-Plast®. Malleus, incus and stapes mounted under "Plexigla..

Natural cast 1 : 1, in SOMSO-Plast®. Malleus, Incus and Stapes mounted in natural position under "Pl..

Cast from natural specimen 1:1, in SOMSO-Plast®. The labyrinth is mounted under "Plexiglas" cover, r..

Natural cast 1 : 1, in SOMSO-Plast. Under "Plexiglas cover". Can be removed, on stand...

Natural size, consisting of 32 teeth in SOMSO-Plast® in a transparent box which can be opened...

Second dentition, (shown in the left half of the lower jaw) enlarged approx. 3 times, in SOMSO-Plast..

Enlarged approx. 3 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The model shows the left half of the lower jaw. The part ..

Separates into 6 parts as ES 4, but the removable canine tooth shows periodontitis and dental caries..

Enlarged approx. 3 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The temporo-maxillary joint is shown. Separates into 14 p..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Separates into 2 parts showing the nerves and vessels and the main di..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Shows half of the upper and lower jaw of a new-born child, a 5-year-o..

Fully exposed. Cast from natural specimen, in SOMSO-Plast®. Shows the upper and lower jaw in the fol..

Enlarged approx. 2 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Median section. The left half shows the bones of the gree..

Enlarged approx. 2 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Separates into 6 parts as FS 3, but the bones of the gree..

Enlarged approx. 2 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Larynx removable, epiglottis elastic and movable, the cro..

Enlarged approx. 2 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Upper part: left side bones of the skull, right side mimi..

Enlarged approx. 3 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. An instructive double model which clearly shows the compl..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Median section with one part of the lower jaw removable. Separates in..

Enlarged approx. 2 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Separates into 5 parts: right lower jaw with larynx, left..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Cartilaginous skeleton, ligamentous apparatus, muscles, relief of muc..

Enlarged approx. 2 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Median section (2 parts). Removable parts: the right thyr..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Larynx: cartilages, ligaments, muscles, relief of mucous membrane and..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Left half of the larynx removable. Shows: cartilages, trachea with br..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. As GS 4/1, but on a stand with green base. Separates into 2 parts...

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. The colours of the segment bronchi are contrasted to correspond with ..

Enlarged approx. twice, in SOMSO-Plast®. Larynx and trachea can be separated at the level of the 6th..

Functional model, enlarged approx. 2.5 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Arytenoid cartilage, vocal folds and ..

Enlarged approx. 3 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The opening and closing of the true glottis, the variatio..

Model for the lecture theatre. Enlarged approx. 5 times. The demonstration of the exact anatomy of t..

Lecture theatre model. Enlarged approx. 4 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. This model of the human heart can ..

Enlarged approx. twice, in SOMSO-Plast®. The heart, sectioned vertically, separates into 2 parts tow..

About 3/4 natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. In one piece...

About 3/4 natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Sectioned, the anterior part of the ventricles and of the a..

About 3/4 natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Sectioned, the anterior part of the ventricles and of the a..

Approximately twice natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Sectioned so that both ventricles and atria open ..

Approximately twice natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. As HS 5, but with part of the trachea (until the ..

Approximately twice natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Sectioned so that both ventricles and atria open ..

About 3/4 natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. The model shows the viscera of the thorax. Separates into 7..

Natural Size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Separates into 8 parts: lungs (2), heart (2), larynx (2), bronchial t..

After head physician J. A. Nakhosteen, MD., F. C. C. P. About 2/3 natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. The..

After head physician J. A. Nakhosteen, MD., F. C. C. P. The model shows in 2/3 natural size the hear..

After head physician J. A. Nakhosteen, MD., F. C. C. P. About 2/3 natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. In ..

Cast from natural specimen, in SOMSO-Plast®. Cast from a natural young heart this model very clearly..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Developed in co-operation with Prof. Dr. Meisner. The model shows one..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Sectioned through the ventricles and auricles. The bicuspid and tricu..

Relief model, 1/2 natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. General view of the network of vessels of the body...

Relief model, approx. 2/3 natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. In one piece. Mounted on a green board...

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Separates into 8 parts: diaphragm with section of pericardium, thymus..

Enlarged approx. 11.000 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. In one piece...

1. Lobule of the lung: enlarged approx. 150 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Representation of lobule with ar..

Enlarged approx. 150 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. In one piece. On a stand with green base...

Enlarged approx. 3 to 4 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The model shows the heart of a fetus during the last..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Separates into 17 parts: sternum, organs of the neck, right lung (3),..

Enlarged many times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Description as for HS 25, but the painting is after Volkmann-S..

Enlarged many times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The model has been made after a vascular preparation of the lo..

Enlarged many times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The model has been made after a vascular preparation of the lo..

Natural size, relief model, in SOMSO-Plast®. Showing the alimentary canal from the mouth to the rect..

Natural size, relief model, in SOMSO-Plast®. As JS 2/1, but the half section of the stomach can be o..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Showing the longitudinal and circular muscle layers. Opens to show th..

Enlarged many times. In SOMSO-Plast®. The formation and structure of layers are shown by a transvers..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Showing the four lobes of the liver, the peritoneum, the gall bladder..

Natural size. In SOMSO-Plast®. The wall of the caecum can be opened. Separates into 2 parts. On a st..

Enlarged approx. 1 1/2 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Open from the side facing the intestines to show the ..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. The model shows the liver from the front. The liver segments are indi..

After PD Dr. F. Köckerling. Natural size. Showing the segments of the liver, the portal vein branche..

After PD Dr. F. Köckerling. Natural size. The model shows the normal vascular pattern of the portal ..

After PD Dr. F. Köckerling. Natural size. The model shows the normal anatomy of the hepatic veins. I..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. On the pancreas, the pancreatic duct is shown up to its aperture, the..

Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Neubert, model made by E. Rack, both from the Anatomical Institute, ..

Enlarged approx. 400 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. After Prof. Dr. E. Wuestenfeld, model made by E. Rack. ..

Enlarged many times, in special transparent plastic. After an original from the Bundeszentrale fuer ..

Enlarged approx. 70 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The layers of skin can be removed showing the first rudi..

Enlarged approx. 70 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Model shows: a) scalp with hair, b) axilla, c) the hairl..

Enlarged approx. 70 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Relief model with two hair follicles (fully exposed and ..

Enlarged approx. 70 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Model shows the scalp, with hair in different planes of ..

Enlarged approx. 10 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Model of the last finger joint. The wall of the nail and..

Enlarged many times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The microscopic formation of hair is shown in relation to the ..

Enlarged 4000 times, in special transparent plastic. The anatomical delicate formation of the hair i..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. The kidney separates into 2 halves longitudinally. On a stand with gr..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Kidneys, ureters, adrenal glands and bladder with prostate, as well a..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. In one piece. Mounted on a green board...

Enlarged approx. 3 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. Frontal section seen from behind, pyramids of the kidney ..

Enlarged approx. 3 times. In SOMSO-Plast®. Tissue of the kidney partly removed at the back, pelvis o..

Enlarged approx. 120 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The model shows two nephrons with little knots of kidne..

Enlarged approx. 700 times, in SOMSO-Plast®. The model shows the arteriola afferens and the arteriol..

Models LS 4, LS 6 and LS 7, in SOMSO-Plast®. Mounted together on one green board. In one piece...

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Rectum, bladder with prostate and testicular duct and external genita..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Median section showing penis, prostate, bladder, seminal vesicle, spe..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. The model shows the internal and external female genital organs. Medi..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Showing the internal and external organs of the small pelvis (median ..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Showing the internal and external genital organs with rectum and urin..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Developed in co-operation with Oberstudienrätin Angelika Beck. Model ..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Developed in co-operation with Oberstudienrätin Angelika Beck. Model ..

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. In one piece. On a removable transparent base...

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. In one piece. On a removable transparent base...

Natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Representation of the external and internal genital organs with the p..

natural size, in SOMSO-Plast®. Internal femal organs of MS 8/1. Separates in 2 parts...

Natural size, ventral and dorsal view of the internal genital organs, partly shown in section. In on..

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